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OrgChart Help Guide

Google Directory


Audience: Administrators


The Directory for Google Workplace is a workforce management tool. OrgChart connects directly to Google Directory. The following article is a list of frequently asked questions pertaining to OrgChart's compatibility with Google Directory.


  1. How do I set up my connection to Google Directory?

    Reference the Google Directory Connector Setup article.

  2. Can I pull photos from Google Directory into OrgChart?


  3. Can I limit the fields that a user is able to pull from Google Directory?


  4. What fields can I pull from Google Directory?

    Any field that is assigned to an Employee Profile.

  5. Can I merge data from a secondary source with Google Directory data?

    Yes. Reference the Merge Data Connectors article for more information.

  6. Can I embed org charts (generated from Google Directory data) into my intranet?


  7. Can I filter which records are included in my org charts?

    Yes. Reference the Import Filter article for more information.